KAIROS MEDIA is the mass media initiative of Jesus Youth, an International Catholic movement approved by the Holy See, reaching out to young people around the world using modern means of communication - inspiring, supporting, encouraging and building each other up on our spiritual journey and helping establish God’s kingdom, one youth at a time.
Kairos – (καιρός) is an ancient Greek word meaning the right or opportune moment (the supreme moment).
The wind of the Holy Spirit blows where it wills. In the late 1990’s, as the Jesus Youth Movement grew and began spreading across India, the idea of a print magazine to aid its evangelisation endeavours - to reach out to young people with the message of God’s redeeming love was conceived. Thus “Kairos” Malayalam magazine was born in May 1997, initially published as a quarterly magazine. From the year 2000, Kairos became a monthly periodical and presently reaches around several thousands of readers every month.
In 2018 Kairos came up with “Kairos Global” a Catholic magazine in english for youth and young families. In recent years Kairos has launched “ Kairos Buds” a Catholic Magazine for kids aged 3 to 12 years. In the new era of social media and tech evangelisation Kairos has spread its wings and now brings out print, audio, video and digital content along with other resources in current topics and is guiding youth towards righteousness using social media and other online platforms.